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See the architecture of any codebase


Understand, improve and monitor your code


Get a grip on any software project by visualizing its internal composition, dependencies and quality metrics.

Semantic zoom allows you to inspect all scopes at all levels – maintaining an overview as well as diving deep.

Topological ordering allows you to read a codebase along its control flow – from big picture to details.


Being able to switch from reading code to seeing architecture helps making better software faster.

You understand legacy code, notice red flags, onboard quickly, automate documentation, stay motivated, etc.

We ♡ software architecture since 1993 and know how communication and quality require visualization.

The Future

This journey is just beginning. There are loads of ideas and development directions to evolve Codeface™.

Imagine architectural suggestions, more layouts and metrics, real-time updates, a web dashboard, etc.

You may shape Codeface™ with your own big ideas and feedback. Just drop us a line:


Filter everything by a search term

And zone in on the matching parts


Analyze projects of all languages via the LSP

1. Get LSPService

Download LSPService. It's a free open-source webservice that runs locally and empowers Codeface™ to understand any codebase.

2. Add Your Language

Add language support if you need more than Swift. LSPService just needs to know how to launch an LSP server for a given language.

3. Restart Codeface™

Restart LSPService after its setup. Then restart Codeface™ and load a project. It will automatically detect LSPService and utilize it.

Questions? Ideas? Bugs? -> hello @

Copyright © 2022 Sebastian Fichtner